enabling charity growth

For Project Four, we kept it very simple. The idea was to find a charity that we could help by upskilling those who are responsible for finding donors for their organisation.

We came across The Reading Revolution, which is doing some wonderful things for the vulnerable in our communities, particularly the elderly, by creating reading groups led by volunteers.

Kate, founder and manager, told us that she needed help “asking for money” which is a very difficult thing to do for charities that don’t have regular cooperate sponsorship.

We sent her on a course several weeks ago where she was able to learn how to be more effective in asking for money while also engaging with fellow not-for-profit organisations. I followed up with Kate recently and she told me that using the skills she learnt on the course, she was able to generate $40,000 worth of donations for The Reading Revolution!

While Evolve's investment into this project was small, the outcome was everything we had hoped for, which was providing charities with skills and resources that will help them along on their journey with the communities they support.

We will be continuing to provide support for Kate, being available to her should she need more help in asking for money.

More in-depth details about how we contributed to this pilot can be supplied by contacting Nevil at nevil@evolving.co.nz